Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mommy & Daddy decided to bring me to the zoo. However, on our way there, it started to drizzle a little but it stopped as quickly as it came. ~relieved~

My first visit to the zoo and it was very exciting!!

I saw a lot of animals, big and small ones, cute and ugly ones. And my favourite place in the entire zoo would definitely have to be the Children's World.

It was so fun, I tell you!

We had KFC for lunch where I ate my favourite whipped potato. Mommy dipped me into a pool of balls with many other children. And she also put me on the swing which I clinged onto tightly and refused to get down afterwards.

I had tonnes of fun but was totally exhausted by the time we left so I slept on our way home.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

I am ONE! Mommy and Daddy threw a mini-party, inviting many of their friends, aunties,uncles and with plenty of food & drinks to go around!

My Cake.

My favourite prezzie among all others. =D